Microsoft 365: Identity & Services (MS-100) Exam Prep Guide


This blog is part of a series. For more exam prep guides check back in the future.

Back before I did my Office 365 MCSA, I used to wonder which of the two exams would be harder – 70-346 (Office 365 Identities & Requirements) or 70-347 (Enabling Office 365 Services). Most people I talked to said they thought 346 was the harder of the two – mainly because they had far less experience with, and exposure to, ADFS and Powershell.  Most took 346 after 347 and some didn’t take 346 at all. That’s a real shame. I took 346 first and would always recommended others to do so. Not because it was harder (it was significantly more focused than 347 in terms of scope) but because I feel that Identity really is the starting point for everything else. As an admin, how and what and where users can access services is as fundamental as it gets.

Please refer original for more

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